Season Reports

A Week of Backaches and Heartaches

maltese rescue dog Rambo - our little buddy

I got a good dose of helpless last week. My back went out last Saturday and I spent the next 4 days in bed, basically unable to walk! Wow, what an eye-opener. Really makes you take things less for granted. Wednesday, I was able to at least leave the house and see my chiropractor and doctor for x-rays and a back brace. Fortunately, it appears from x-rays that things are okay and it is just muscle, tendon, and ligament related. I’ve been improving each day since and am so thankful that things weren’t worse. The doctors told me that being in shape is helping a lot. I’m sure glad it wasn’t November when this happened!

We also had a tough loss in the family as my daughter Jadyn’s little dog, Rambo, died. Lots of tears and heartache… he was a good dog and Jadyn did a great job taking care of him. He’d been a rescue dog that had been quite abused before we got him so we knew he was kinda on borrowed time.

Anyway, life is short everyone, get out there and LIVE it! Be thankful for every step you can take and every day you get with loved ones. You never know when things will change… and don’t forget to make the time to get in shape for those upcoming hunts!

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